On 15 March, Dutch voters will be heading to the polls to cast their votes ...

After more than a century of absence, wolves have recently come back to the Netherlands. ...

In the sedate and affluent neighbourhood Amsterdam Zuid, residents do not get their feathers ruffled ...

After being closed for more than two years due to a major renovation, The Movies ...

ROBUST, a new project of the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence at the University of ...

The time of dirt-cheap tickets is behind us. Flying to Barcelona, ​​Paris or other European ...

Do you lay awake at night scrolling through the photos of the devastation caused by ...

Netherlands house rental prices are set to accelerate this year to a pace not seen ...

As we enter a new year, changes will take place within various sectors in the ...

The frightening scenes of four-hour long waits and queues that snaked around the cavernous halls ...

After a brief period of calm during the pandemic, Amsterdam will most likely host more ...

During 2022, people in the Netherlands went to the cinema on average 1.4 times per ...

‘Fake news’ is a term that has become so ubiquitous in political discourse it now induces ...

Early this month on the Dutch TV dating program “Blind Dates” on NPO3, a young ...