Every year for over a decade, Schiphol Airport has held auctions giving anyone with the ...

The rollout of nearly cost-free daycare is being delayed by the cabinet by two years. ...

The province of Groningen has the largest natural gas field in Europe and one of ...

The number of people killed in road accidents rose by more than a quarter in ...

The acquisition of the Dutch payment service iDeal by the European Payments Initiative (EPI) and ...

After several months of negotiations, it is now final: healthcare staff in hospitals will enter ...

For the first time in eight years of data, the number of online purchases has ...

The Poezenboot, or Catboat, a floating shelter for stray and abandoned cats in the Amsterdam ...

One in three patients noticed a negative change in their primary care doctor accessibility in ...

Dutch life in many areas has been brought to a standstill over the past few ...

Holland Festival, the largest international performing arts festival of the Netherlands and one of the ...

The staff crisis in the Dutch child care sector, first reported in 2022, is increasing ...

Levels of employee absenteeism among companies in the Netherlands continue to be an issue, as ...

The Farmer-Citizen Movement party (Dutch: Boer Burger Beweging, or BBB), led by Caroline van der ...

The increasingly digitisation of the banking and payment world is leaving a growing and diverse ...

Heath minister Ernst Kuipers is making a push for the concentration of pediatric surgical care ...

According to a recent study by the research agency Lotus, conducted on behalf of De ...

The two years of the Covid pandemic showed the world that technology is essential to ...

Recent discussions over a bill presented by PvdA and GroenLinks which proposes the introduction of ...

The Netherlands is experiencing an increase in enrolments in vocational (MBO) healthcare and technology courses. ...