Until 27 August, Museum Het Schip is presenting an exhibition on the relationship of the ...

Herewith you can order the Find your Way guide 2023. Please fill in the form ...

In the heart of Amsterdam, you will still find the house where Rembrandt lived and ...

ROBUST, a new project of the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence at the University of ...

“Watch me, I’m going to be famous” – the ambitious words of young Kees van ...

The time of dirt-cheap tickets is behind us. Flying to Barcelona, ​​Paris or other European ...

Do you lay awake at night scrolling through the photos of the devastation caused by ...

Joost Hermsen, entrepreneur, had a preventive health examination done at Prescan, which changed the course ...

Netherlands house rental prices are set to accelerate this year to a pace not seen ...

As we enter a new year, changes will take place within various sectors in the ...

After previous adapted editions due to Covid-19, Movies that Matter Festival is back in Filmhuis ...

What’s your name and where do you come from? Hey there! I’m David from California. ...

The frightening scenes of four-hour long waits and queues that snaked around the cavernous halls ...

After a brief period of calm during the pandemic, Amsterdam will most likely host more ...

During 2022, people in the Netherlands went to the cinema on average 1.4 times per ...

‘Fake news’ is a term that has become so ubiquitous in political discourse it now induces ...

The Primaduta Award 2022 awarding ceremony was held at the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague ...

On Thursday 12 January a reception was hosted by the Ambassador of the Arab Republic ...

After weeks (or maybe even months) of shopping for the perfect gifts, baking, entertaining, and ...

Disclaimer: I use the words women and men throughout this article for clarity. However, these terms ...